Advanced Wellness Screening

The Wellness Screening is quick, non-invasive and painless and can be done as part of the routine eye exam.

Our practice is committed to protecting your eye health with the most advanced technology available, and we are excited to announce that our Advanced Wellness Screening contains two noninvasive all-encompassing screenings: Digital Retinal Photos and OCT Wellness screening. These screenings let our doctor see beneath the surface of your retina, where signs of disease first appear. Traditional eye exams do not provide this level of detail.

We recommend the Wellness Screening retinal scan on all of our patients during their annual eye exam. The Wellness Screening takes an image of the back of your eye where potential vision threatening disease can be found. Those diseases include diabetes, glaucoma, certain cancers, retinal tears and cardiovascular issues. Along with ruling out potential diseases, the Wellness Screening will allow our doctor to have a baseline image to compare your eye health year after year.

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Digital Retinal Photo

Retinal Photos are digital images of the back of your eye. It shows the retina, the macula, the optic nerve, and the blood vessels in your eye. It is a non-invasive and completely safe process that can replace dilation in most cases. With Retinal photos, we can monitor the health of the eye in people with diabetes or high blood pressure, check for hemorrhages, and screen for other eye diseases.

OCT Wellness screening

The OCT, or Optical Coherence Tomography, is essentially an MRI of the eye as it shows a layer-by-layer view of the retina. The OCT can detect changes or problems in all 10 layers of the retina, most of which cannot be easily seen during a regular eye examination. OCT is completely painless and highly advanced screening system that checks for potentially serious conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, age-related macular degeneration, vitreous detachments and more.